Thesis Writing Workshop

Do you feel insecure about thesis writing? Do you have trouble getting your thoughts down on a paper in a cohesive and concise manner? If so, join the thesis writing workshops hosted by Verovia Academy. We will teach you how to write a clear and structured thesis and answer any questions you may have about the writing process.

The first workshop is free and will provide you an introduction to cohesion. Starting at the level of sentences, we look at different ways you can make your writing clearer, more accurate and more cohesive at a small scale. This may include topics such as sentence structure & information flow, avoiding repetition, linking language and sentence grammar (complex sentences, clauses).

The workshop is intended for bachelor and master students working on their theses, but other students can also join to learn how to improve their academic writing.

Date: Wednesday 11th May 2022
Time: 12:00 – 14:00 (CEST – Amsterdam timezone)
Location: Online
Host: Callum McLean (rMA) – academic trainer and thesis coach at Verovia Academy

Callum McLean is a qualified teacher of EAP (English for Academic Purposes), with six years’ experience. He is a writer and editor of academic (and other) texts, and was editor and founding board member of a graduate journal. Though experienced with students and texts of all disciplines, he most enjoys engaging with research in the humanities and social sciences, and particularly the analysis of culture.

The first workshop is free. The subsequent workshops will cost a small fee. By signing up for the first workshop, you are NOT obliged to pay anything. Just come with a desire to learn and determination!

Link to register:

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